Slide Inspector

The Slide inspector allows you to set a variety of different settings for slides.


Hyperdeck features many different transitions between slides. Each transition has a different look and feel. For each transition you can also define the duration of the transition.

Here's a list of all the transitions currently available:

Transition Explanation
none No Transition
move Move to the left
fade Fade Over
clockwise Fade over along the circle of a clock
flip Flip over to back side
circles Split up slide into small circles
diamond Fade over via diamond shape
back Move back
pinned Rotate on a pin and fall off
fall Fall off

Here's a small video that shows all animations in action:

Slide Master & Slide Alignment

These settings have their own sections:

The master attribute tells Hyperdeck which layout to apply to the current slide. Each Hyperdeck theme has five different slide masters. Each of these types can be used in a variety of situations, but they're all visually different, so that your presentation flow can have segments and surprises.

Alignment is a powerful option which tells Hyperdeck how to align the elements on the slide. By default, elements are aligned vertically, that means one element below the other. Other options are First element to the left and First element to the right.


This setting allows you to set the background image and background color of a slide. The options for a background image gives you a lot of flexibility to position the image as needed:

  • Opacity / Alpha: How much of the image is visibile
  • Scale: Should the image be scaled up or down
  • Aspect Ratio: Should the image fit into the slide, fill the slide, or be centered in the slide

If the background is half transparent, the original slide color can be seen.

The Background color also be partially transparent, then the background image (or original slide color) can be seen through.


Skip Slide

The skip attribute tells Hyperdeck that you wish to not play this slide in the presentation.

Hide Slide Number

This attribute tells Hyperdeck to hide the slide number and author name when displaying the slide. The author name can be set in the Document Settings.

Slide Size

This changes the size of all fonts on the given slide