
🐣 Version 0.9.3

🎁 New Features
  • Added a new theme: Farbton
🎨 Changes
  • Fixed many small display issues for table and code blocks throughout the themes
  • For code blocks, the background can now be shown or hidden
🐛 Bugfixes
  • Fixed a bug where non-swift code blocks would not redraw when switching themes
  • Fix multiple different crashes throughout the app
  • Fix a bug where sometimes tapping a slide would not select it
  • Fixed multiple bugs related to text rendering
  • Performance Improvements
  • Fix multiple Spreadsheet issues that caused slow scrolling and could cause crashes

🐣 Version 0.9.2

🎁 New Features
  • Support for LaTeX Math equations via Katex
  • Support for SVG Images
  • Each element (Headline, Quote, Image, etc) can now be forced to left-, center- or right-align independent of the theme
🎨 Changes
  • Switched to a completely new theme engine which will allow for much better slide themes. It will also (soon) allow custom themes.
  • Improve the looks of all included themes
  • Themes now support bold, italic, and so on in tables in a much better fashion
🐛 Bugfixes
  • Fix multiple when editing tables
  • Fix multiple crashes that could occur when beginning a presentation
  • Fix that images would sometimes not scale correctly
  • Various (small) performance improvements
  • Fix multiple different crashes throughout the app

🐣 Version 0.9.1

🎁 New Features
  • Added macOS Version
  • Text Paragraphs scale down the font size if too much text is entered (instead of going beyond the bounds of the slide)
  • Images scale down if there is too much content on the same slide
  • Added Placeholders such as {position} or {total} to format the contents of headers and footers in the overrides
  • Added "Smart Templates" feature (in the document settings) which allows enabling or enabling Hyperdeck automatically trying to find the best template for the current slide based on its contents.
  • Allow setting "brand" logos in the top right of the slide
  • Add options to change the contents of the "slide number" footer
  • Allow deleting slides or elements from within the inspector
🎨 Changes
  • Temporarily removed themes but added a simple black and white one (due to theme engine changes)
  • Images can have a title now via ![Title of image](name of image.png)
  • Rewrote the way tables are rendered. They're much better now. Tables can also now expand to fit the width of the slide. Table cells can also have multiline contents.
  • Improved the rendering and selection of code
  • Allow going back through animation steps (code animations, element animations)
  • Reduced the visual clutter when opening a new window
  • Updated inspector colors for dark mode
🐛 Bugfixes
  • Fixed multiple bugs related to having multiple scenes / windows open on iPadOS
  • Lots of UI improvements
  • Various bugfixes

🐣 Version 0.9.0

🎁 New Features
  • Added indent in and indent out features for code blocks in the text editor
  • Added working support for the "Default Code Language" setting in the document overrides
  • Allow selecting an image as the brand image (say a logo). It will be displayed in the top right
  • Allow setting a company name. This text will be displayed in the top left.
🎨 Changes
  • Nicer inline code button icon
  • Broad support for Jupyer language syntax in code blocks. So {sql} instead of sql. The { are ignore, I added this specifically because some beta testers tended to always insert code with the additional { chars.
  • Better support for importing media from the filesystem (movies, etc)
  • When exiting a presentation, select the last presented slide, so it is easy to continue at the given position
🐛 Bugfixes
  • Websites now display their name in the preview, not a white block
  • Fix small issues in the slides preview
  • Fixed a bug where editing a list would sometimes insert list items at the wrong places in the text editor

🐣 Version 0.8.9

🎨 Changes
  • Rewrote the playback inspector to fit into the rest of the app, add helpful descriptions, and allow for future expansion with less cluttering.
  • Small updates to a couple of other inspectors to look a bit nicer in terms of padding and spacing
🐛 Bugfixes
  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes happen when going into the presentation mode with an external display connected.

🐣 Version 0.8.8

🎁 New Features
  • Markdown URLS are now supported. It also supports the Hyperdeck Control Scheme so you can do hyper://action/next to tap a link to jump to the next slide.
  • New "Jump to slide" UI that has a textual preview of the slides contents
🐛 Bugfixes
  • Fixed crash when exporting slides
  • Fixed crash when going into presentation mode with an external screen connected
  • Fixed broken preview in presentation mode when extrenal screen was connected
  • Fixed crash when going into the editor preferences
  • Fixed the "Feedback" functionality. You can use this again to submit bug reports or feedback.
  • Fixed wrong colors in some animation inspectors
  • Fixed image loading in new document screen

🐣 Version 0.8.7

🎁 New Features
  • Support for remote images. You can now display images such as ![]( within slides only via the remote URL
  • Support for drag and drop of image URL: If you drag and drop the URL of an image into Hyperdeck, it will now insert it correctly
  • Added new playback option to disable background animations
  • Initial support for background images in themes. This is required for proper themes in the final version of the app. Right now there's only one background image in the Krakow theme for testing purposes.
🎨 Changes
  • The selected line in code is now displayed with a nice border and background color that matches the theme
  • Responsive slides are now disabled by default
  • Slightly increased the default font size of all themes
  • Updated the macOS Version (which is not in beta yet, but still) to support M1 Macs
🐛 Bugfixes
  • Fixed bug that led to Hyperdeck being just a black screen for some users
  • Fix erratic cusor movement between slides
  • Fix the displaying of videos on iOS (controls are not visible anymore)
  • Fix crash when editing quotes
  • Fix bug where the preview of a slide did not match the presentation output of the slide in certain situations (when text contained attributes, such as bold or italic)
  • Fix multiple bugs related to fullscreen slide display and responsive slides
  • Fixed a crash when modifying the author of the presentation
  • Fixed a bug where images were not displayed anymore if more than one document was open at the same time (two scenes, in iOS parlances)
  • Updated PDF export. PDF are always rendered based on the 1920x1080 default size now.

🐣 Version 0.8.6

🎁 New Features
  • Much better iOS 14 support
  • Almost ready for macOS
🎨 Changes
  • Dropping iOS 13 to focus on iOS 14+
  • Themes keep their sizing and ratios at any resolution
  • Much better scrolling performance
  • Improved displaying of multi-line code
  • Fixed bug where sometimes the selection would scroll to the wrong slide when editing in the editor
  • Images are now sized based on their retina pixel size in a 1920x1080 sized slide. So if an image is 1920x1080 pixels wide, it will be the size of the full slide
  • Improved centering and alignment of images and elements
  • Initial support for state restoration
🐛 Bugfixes
  • Fixed multiple bugs in the inspectors
  • Fixed multiple undo / redo bugs
  • Fixed multiple memory issues where Hyperdeck would leak memory
  • Fix issues where slide animations were not behaving correctly in some situations
  • Fixed various crashes

🐣 Version 0.8.5

🎁 New Features
  • Working Redo support
  • Much better iOS 14 support
🐛 Bugfixes
  • Fixed various crashes

🐣 Version 0.8.4

🎁 New Features
  • Added Video support. Videos can be played in a loop, and allow automatically starting playback but also manual playback.
  • Initial support for iOS 14
  • Playback can now be switched between responsive and non-responsive mode on the fly. Responsive means the slides always fill out the screen, non-responsive means the slides adhere to the size set for the presentation (i.e. 16:10, 3:4, etc)
  • Considerably improved the scrolling performance of the preview area
  • Added a new theme, "Blackprint" (currently in early beta as I'm trying out things)
🎨 Changes
  • Buttons can only be tapped during presentations now. Tapping a button in the preview will select the button as is the case for other elements.
  • Small improvements to several slide themes in terms of paddings & margins
  • Tables display much faster now
  • When using 'align: left' or 'right' the elements in the two columns are aligned properly
🐛 Bugfixes
  • Fixed a condition that would cause a crash at startup for some users
  • Fixed a crash that would affect users when creating a new presentation
  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen when starting to enter text
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when trying to play empty slides
  • Fixed bugs that caused the preview to jump to the wrong slide when moving the cursor in the editor
  • Fixed a bug where the preview would scroll to the top after playback
  • Playing from the beginning for certain themes caused a weird animation to happen for the first slide
  • Multiple display bugfixes in the source code view
  • Fixed a bug where in some situations slides did not update properly
  • Fixed a bug where changing a slide could cause the editor to loose the highlighting
  • Small changes to the preview area to improve the looks (pixel errors, and son on)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash at startup for some users
  • Fixed a bug that caused "Buttons" to have the wrong size

🐣 Version 0.8.2

🎁 New Features
  • The last slide position and editor selection is now restored when opening a document again
  • Added support for disabling "Responsive Slides". When disabled, the slides always have the size that is defined in the presentation size settings and do not adapt responsively to the size of the output device. This option only works when an external display is connected. It can be set in the playback dialog (accessed via the "Play" button)
  • Changed the displaying of the slide numbers to be less confusing. The numbers are now always displayed at the beginning of the slide, not the end.
  • Added exception logging to understand when events occur that - in theory - should not be happening
  • Added a auto paste button to the keyboard which allows quick pasting of content into the current presentation
  • The Preview section (right side) can now be hidden by moving the divider all the way to the right. It will automatically snap in place. A new button will appear that will allow you to snap it back into place.
  • Added new keyboard shortcut ⌘ + ⇧ + k to insert a new slide at the current position, not after the current slide
  • Added a shortcut to toggle the search bar in the editor (⌘ + f)
  • Added new interactive button element which allows interacting with slides or calling external services (see more info here)
  • Added interactive URL's which can be used with the aforementioned button
🐛 Bugfixes
  • The New Document screen resizes properly in split screen mode
  • Fixed crash that could happen when clicking on a link
  • Fixed an issue where inserting bold or italic before a word before a newline would insert the ending characters as the wrong location
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when beginning a presentation
  • Fixed multiple text editing crashes
  • Hiding the suggestion bar of the keyboard will not hide the play button anymore
  • Fixed a bug where the editor was cut off in certain situations when rotating to portrait mode without a hardware keyboard connected
  • Fixed bug that caused the position of the slides to shift when leaving the app and entering it again
  • Fixed a bug where the first slide continued to be selected even though others were selected
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to select the first slide in the editor in order to scroll to that position in the preview
  • Fixed bug where the slide numbers in the editor were wrong when settings slides to 'skipped'
  • Fixed a bug where images that were set as slide background images appeared twice in a slide
  • Fixed a bug where the selected line in a source code example would not work correctly when gradual disclosure was also being used
  • Fixed bug where the keyboard shortcuts did not work in the Moderator Monitor with a Magic Keyboard connected
  • Improved the Moderator Monitor (font size, button size) and fixed several bugs there
  • Generally improved support of the on-screen keyboard (particularly for the floating variant)
  • Fixed crash that could happen when pressing the undo button
  • Fixed a crash that happend when long pressing links in the editor
  • Fixed the layouting of images in the editor with long names, so that they don't overflow with the image preview anymore
  • Fixed bugs that caused presentations to not work correctly anymore when leaving the app during a presentation.
  • Hopefully fixed a crash that sometimes happened when navigating inspectors
  • Hopefully fixed a crash that sometimes happened when closing documents
  • Fixed bug where the text in a list entry did not respect the trailing slide margin
  • Fixed a bug where a X in markdown was rendered including the backticks on the slides
  • Fixed a bug where the highlighting in the text editor would disappear if inserting a new empty slide at the top while also having another empty slide somewhere later in the slides.
  • Fixed a bug where inserting a new slide via a keyboard shortcut or bottom menu would corrupt the cache, leading to severly degraded rendering performance afterwards
  • Fixed a bug where having a newline at the beginning of Swift source code would break the "animated lines" feature
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes newlines in code blocks would not appear on the slide
  • Fixed a bug where lists with a newline in between would break the list
  • Fixed a bug where the formats (bold / italic) would not disappear if the cursor position was right before the word (i.e. **|hello**)
  • Dragging an image or GIF from a different app into Hyperdeck will register an undo operation now
  • Fixed bugs which caused the contents of the bottom toolbar to be possibly wrong (say it displayed no code properties even though code was selected)
🎨 Changes
  • Moving the split handle for the editor and preview has better performance now
  • Added a bit of spacing before the "Add Slide" button in the bottom bar
  • Changing the font size during a presentation now affects all slides, not just the currently active one
  • Completely rewrote the Moderator Monitor to look better and support more interface orientations as well as split screen
  • Improved the colors of the tutorial screen
  • The bottom bar will now display remaining icons in a popover if the app is in split screen mode (or smaller)
  • Started collecting some usage metrics to better understand which features are used so that I can focus on what users are doing with the app
  • When a footnote is animated in (say in a headline, or a list), then the corresponding footnote content at the bottom appears together with the footnote reference animation
  • You can now have two lists side by side with alignment: left on the slide and a comment (;;) between the lists. The comment is necessary because Markdown considers newlines between lists not as separators
  • When using left or right alignement for a slide, the elements on both sides have the same padding now, so that they're correctly aligned if they have the same size
  • The loading of sample content can be disabled. The setting will be saved. So after disabling sample content the first time, the toggle control will stay disabled.
  • Using tab / ⇧ + tab will properly indent list entries or code lines
  • Nested, numbered lists work now
  • Inserting a new page on the last slide includes the appropriate amount of newlines
🙈 Known Issues
  • Complex slides (with lots of text) become very slow in the preview when scrolling. This will be optimized in beta 3.
  • Only paragraphs and formatting are allowed within blockquotes for the time being
  • Sometimes, when dragging / dropping an image into Hyperdeck, the app will freeze afterwards. Just switching to a different app and coming back will fix it. If you can reproduce this issue, please contact me!
  • Videos cannot be imported / dragged dropped yet
  • Redo is currently disabled
  • Line wrapping in source code may display odd behaviour for long names
  • Rearranging slides via drag and drop might lead to slighly weird resizing behaviour
  • The themes are still beta quality. More themes will be available in subsequent betas.
  • There might be color issues in the themes, I'm grateful if you point them out
  • Editing source code in code blocks is still work in progress, sometimes the closing '}' are not automatically inserted
  • The Out of Bounds warning doesn't work with all element types yet. Particularly tables are tricky.
  • Resizing the Preview area is a bit laggy. Especially when the slide contains code or tables. This hasn't been optimized yet.
  • Editing large tables can be a bit slow on older iPads
  • The auto format functions in tables does not work correctly when Emoji or complex unicode are inserted. This is expected behaviour as Xcode and VSCode show the same behaviour
  • When closing a document, it is currently always marked as 'edited' and being uploaded into iCloud again
  • There's currently no Spotlight support
  • Sometimes when selecting slides (either in the editor or in the preview) the other part does not automatically scroll to the correct slide (i.e. when selecting a slide in the preview, the editor might not automatically scroll there.). Tapping again usually works.

🐣 0.8.1

🎁 New Features
🙈 Known Issues
  • Redo is currently disabled
  • Line wrapping in source code may display odd behaviour for long names
  • Resizing the side pane might lead to slightly weird resizing behaviour
  • Rearranging slides via drag and drop might lead to slighly weird resizing behaviour
  • The themes are still beta quality. More themes will be available in subsequent betas.
  • There might be color issues in the themes, I'm grateful if you point them out
  • The Source Code component is a very fresh complete rewrite. It might be a bit buggy
  • The moderator monitor sometimes displays slides in a slightly wrong size
  • Editing source code in code blocks is still work in progress, sometimes the closing '}' are not automatically inserted
  • The Out of Bounds warning doesn't work with all element types yet. Particularly tables are tricky.
  • Resizing the Preview area is a bit laggy. Especially when the slide contains code or tables. This hasn't been optimized yet.
  • Editing large tables can be a bit slow on older iPads
  • The auto format functions in tables does not work correctly when Emoji or complex unicode are inserted. This is expected behaviour as Xcode and VSCode show the same behaviour
  • When closing a document, it is currently always marked as 'edited' and being uploaded into iCloud again
  • There's currently no Spotlight support
  • Sometimes when selecting slides (either in the editor or in the preview) the other part does not automatically scroll to the correct slide (i.e. when selecting a slide in the preview, the editor might not automatically scroll there.). Tapping again usually works.
🦾 Fixes
  • Fixed bug where slide properties set in an inspector where not loaded again when opening the inspector
  • Fixed scaling issues
  • Lots of small UI fixes for incorrect behaviours

🐣 0.8.0

  • Initial semi-internal release